The first chapter: This is going to be an awesome book! My characters are chatty, the plot is working, and everything is great.
The Doubt: I can't pull this off. What was I thinking? Everything I write sucks.

Pep-talk Time: You got this. I'm going to work on the scene I couldn't wait to write then everything will be great again.
The Slow-down: Writing is a sloooow process. It doesn't help that my characters took a little vacay.
Midpoint: I'm never going to finish this fucking thing.
The Struggle: I hate my life. The struggle is real.
I See Light: There's light at the end of the tunnel. My characters are chatting my ear off again.
The Climax: Ohhh! Yes! The build-up took forever, but it was worth the wait.
The End: You did it! Throw a party! It's celebration time.
Editing Time: Fuck my life.